What is WDSD?World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.
Down Syndrome International (DSi) encourages our friends all over the world to choose their own activities and events on WDSD to help raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome, and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities. |
Good to be differentHere at Jacob's Ladder we like to do our bit to raise awareness through singing and signing.
Why not join us by singing the song 'Good to be Different' that I wrote for my wonderful son Jacob who happens to have that little something extra. |
Design your socksOn World Down Syndrome Day we want to get the world talking about Down syndrome. One of the ways we get people talking is by asking supporters to wear "Lots of Socks".
Each year DSi creates a new official #LotsOfSocks design and our socks are sold around the world to raise awareness. |