4. Coventry Cars
It was in Coventry that Daimler chose to build the first British car in 1897. Although small now compared to its heyday, the motor industry continues to produce motor cars providing London with its black cabs. This car-based rap, over a Specials riff, introduces young people to the names of Coventry’s car manufacturers and models.
Hear how the song builds throughout each verse to the 3-part harmony: We’re Coventry Cars. The melody is a 12-bar blues in E - perfect for guitars. Sing it to ‘la’ initially and then fit in the names of the cars. Each verse is the same with changing dynamics: p/f/p. Good diction is needed because unfamiliar car names need learning! Practise spaghetti singing to 'ooh', gently extending phrase lengths and breathing capacity. Pay careful attention to help place the syllables of the dotted rhythms in bars 14 & 16. Introduction ~ clap (or tap) rhythm. Improvise rhythms and melodies to fit with the blues sequence. The best will be invited to perform at the Warwick Art Centre CuCa Showcase. ♫ Listen out for the bass-line riff from the song Gangsters by the Specials. 💡 Collect pictures of all of the cars in this song and sequence them to create a visual set of lyrics. Visit the Coventry Transport Museum and/or British Motor Museum websites for ideas: https://www.transport-museum.com/visiting/star_vehicles.aspx https://www.britishmotormuseum.co.uk/explore/collections/car-collection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZMOytpZJto&feature=emb_title |